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How to Get the Most from your Fitness Business Mobile App

How to Get the Most from your Fitness Business Mobile App

When you have a fitness business mobile app, you can capitalize on one of the biggest trends in technology and give your clients a better, more convenient member experience. 

However, it’s not enough to just expect clients to find your app and download it. Just like your website, you have to promote it, drive traffic to it and encourage your clients to engage with it.

In this blog, we set out our top tips on making the most of your mobile App, so you can be confident that your mobile app is helping you to achieve your business goals. 

Fitness Business Mobile App  

1. Promote, Promote, Promote

Like any new product or service, you have to promote your App to your current and prospective customers as much as possible. Put up signs around your premises and advertise it on your website and social media pages. A good idea is also to run a small promotion around the release of the App. For example, the 100th download gets a free month’s membership of the club.

The Top 10 Barriers
Slowing Your Fitness
Business Growth

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2. Make It Easy as Possible for People to Download

As you are probably aware, all native mobile applications have to be downloaded from an App Store. One easy way to bypass this process is to send your customers the direct App store download links to their phones via email or sms. This ensures that they can just click on the link to download instead of having to search for your App on the App Store. You should also have the direct download links on your website and social media pages so when people are browsing your website on smartphones, they can download your App directly. If you would like to learn how to generate your direct download links you can contact our support team on [email protected].

3. Keep Your App Current and Full of Useful Information

The news feed incorporated in all Glofox Apps is a great tool for sharing all types of content including video with your clients and members. However to keep people engaged and coming back to your App, it is important to keep the content fresh and interesting. Online tools like “Feedly” are a great way to collate relevant content which you can then share with your members. Just remember to credit the original authors! We also cannot stress how important it is to keep your schedule up to date at all times.

4. Make Your Staff Your Number One Promoter

Like any new business initiative, you have to make sure your staff are enthusiastic about your App, understand how to use it and are able to explain how it works to your customers. After launching your App, your staff should be encouraging all your customers to download the App and be really clear on the benefits to them. With every Glofox App, you can give posting rights in the news feed to your trainers which allows them to create their own profile and build an audience. This is a great opportunity for any trainer looking to grow a PT business.

5. Push Notifications

The power of good targeted push notification campaigns cannot be underestimated. The Glofox platform now lets you target not only individual users but also groups of users based on certain characteristics. So for example, you can send a push notification to people whose membership is about to expire or to people who haven’t been to the gym in a couple of weeks. This is a really powerful tool to keep people engaged and to assist with retention.

The Top 10 Barriers
Slowing Your Fitness
Business Growth

In this e-book, we will list the most common barriers that
slow fitness business growth and list some of the tips to
help overcome them.
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