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New Feature: Gym Check In Just Got a Lot Easier

New Feature: Gym Check In Just Got a Lot Easier

Our goal is to simplify your day and reduce the amount of time you need to spend at the front desk. With this in mind, we’re introducing a brand new feature to our barcode check in system, for gym attendance tracking! Now, your members can check in at the front desk and if they have a booking in the next hour, they will automatically be marked as “attended“.

This new check in feature will help you to:

  • Eliminate the pre class rush and start classes on time
  • Offer more convenience to members

Scan barcode

What’s Changed?

To start, we’re making the check in process a hell of a lot easier for you and your members!

Our clients have been using their branded member app to check members into their facility for quite some time now. Before, this feature was focused on tracking members entering your gym or studio, as opposed to tracking attendance for specific bookings.

Now, we’ve increased functionality. If a member checks into your facility and they have a booking in the next hour, they will be checked in and marked as “attended” for this class or appointment booking.


It’s simple. The member will open their in app barcode from within your Member App.

They will then place the barcode underneath the scanner until it beeps. If the member has a class or appointment booking within the next hour, they will be checked in for this booking. That’s it!

The member’s check-in and attendance will be recorded in your Glofox Dashboard.

what are the benefits?

There are so many positives when it comes to automating the gym check in process. 

If you’re not using a gym check in software or gym attendance app, here are our clients three favorite benefits:

1. Eliminate the Pre Class Rush

Do you have a regular queue of members at the front desk, waiting to fill out the class sign in sheet? How many times have your classes started late because of this? We’re guessing too many.

When you offer self service check in, your members can scan and go. This reduces your need for front desk staff, eliminates the pre class rush and finally, ensures you get started on time. 

On another note, your members carry their mobile phone with them everywhere they go, so you can avoid the “replacement membership card” conversation. 

2. More Convenience for Members

Not only is self service check in super convenient for you, but it’s also extremely convenient for your members.  

Your members want quick, effective workouts that fit their busy routine. You may have that down to a tee with your 30 minute HIIT class. However, if it’s likely they’ll spend another 15 minutes waiting for class to actually start, it looses it’s attractiveness. 

The quicker your members get in, the more time they have to stretch and prepare for the session ahead. Ultimately, this will lead to a positive, more convenient experience at your gym or fitness studio. So, go ahead! Let your members do the work for you, they’ll commend you for it. 

3.  Identify Opportunities

Attendance tracking is such an important part of your fitness business. Without it, you can lose valuable insight into your business performance. For example, identifying opportunities to retain and upsell are key pillars of your success. Let’s take a look at two examples:

You may notice that Susan has dropped from attending three classes a week down to one. In this case, a quick phone call and some motivational Push Notifications might save her from slipping away. On the other hand, you might notice that John hasn’t missed a class in over a month, indicating that he might be ready to upgrade his membership option. 

With so many value added benefits for you and your members, what’s not to love?

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