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Your Cheat Sheet to Choosing Gym Management Software

Your Cheat Sheet to Choosing Gym Management Software

Choosing gym management software isn’t always as straight forward as we might like it to be. With so many options on the market, it can be easy to get caught up in features and add-ons that weren’t on your original checklist. 

For this reason, we’ve created the complete cheat sheet, covering features, unique service offerings and overall ratings you should analyse for each gym software provider you consider. With this checklist, you can be confident that you’ll make the right choice for your gym. 

Be sure to download the free, interactive cheat sheet before your next demo!

Cheat Sheet

Gym Software Features

There are tonnes of gym software on the market with varying capabilities. However, the following features, in particular, will play a critical role in the success of your selected software: 


The Dashboard will act as the nerve center of your gym management tasks. From here, you should have everything you need to manage and report on the health of your fitness business. When you choose the right gym software, you’ll have confidence that an integrated system is securely taking care of your data and automating gym management processes to make your life easier.

Such features include:

✓  Payment Processing
✓  Scheduling & Calendar View
✓  Membership Management 
✓  Member Profiles
✓  Automatic Billing
✓  Booking Management 
✓  Check-In Monitoring 
✓  Reporting 

Read more about the gym management software features you need.

Branded Gym App for Members

Gym software providers that truly understand the fitness market should offer mobile as part of their product offering – end of. However, a lot of gym software on the market are yet to adapt to this phenomenon. 

With a seamless mobile extension of your business, you have the opportunity to give members more control over their fitness regime. In turn, this “self-service” approach will free your time from repetitive admin. 

When you choose a software provider who understands mobile and you can make the most of the following features:

✓  Mobile Registration
✓  Mobile Booking
✓  Mobile Payments
✓  Mobile Push Notifications
✓  Instant Mobile Cancellations

Branded Gym App for Staff

Don’t forget: Time is money! If you want to streamline gym management tasks even further, you’ll need a mobile app for your staff. Your staff gym app should offer simple features that let you manage your schedule on the go – with ease and flexibility

For example:

The Customer
Engagement Playbook
for Your Fitness

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✓  Book a member for a class, course or appointment
✓  Cancel a member’s booking
✓  View your class timetable
✓  Mark attendances
✓  View the members booked in for each class.

With Glofox, you can log into a special version of your branded mobile app that’s solely accessible to admin, receptionist and trainer accounts. The best part? You’ll have everything you need to manage classes, courses, appointments, and members in one single, branded app.

Website & Facebook Integration

Mobile is where it’s at, but that’s not to say online isn’t important. You need a software provider that can do both. Why?

When you integrate your gym software with your website, you can create a “Website Portal” for members and potential members alike. From here, your website visitors can view your live schedule and purchase classes, courses or memberships directly from your website. 

The best part? If you make a change to your timetable or membership options in your Dashboard, your Website portal will automatically update to reflect these changes, saving you time in your busy day.

If you don’t have a website or if it is currently under development, no problem! Your gym software provider should give you the option to connect the same portal with your Facebook page. This gives you the opportunity to drive leads from the Facebook presence you’ve worked hard to create. 

Core Service Offering 

How does the software provider rate when it comes to their core service offering? Here, were talking about the aspects of a gym software provider that you may need to dig a little deeper to get the answers you’re looking for. 

Here’s what you need to look out for: 

✓  Is the gym software provider specialized in Fitness & Wellness?
✓  Is free, ongoing support on offer?
✓  Is there a limit on the number of training sessions I can avail of?
✓  Am I tied into a long term contract from the beginning, or can I choose a monthly or quarterly contract?
✓  Is there an online knowledge base with step by step feature tutorials I can use?


Is the gym software provider in question reliable, with the highest security measures in place?

✓  How are payment details stored?
✓  Is the software provider Level 1 PCI compliant when processing payment data?
✓  Is the software provider’s API secure?

For example, Glofox uses Stripe as a payment provider. We stick to the development good practices laid out for their integration, ensuring we are PCI compliant. We do not store users or studios credit card informations and all communications run through a secure layer. 

Access to our databases requires certificate grade validation and is IP restricted. User credentials are encrypted as well and data is backed up to cloud daily and before any update to the platforms.

Final Rating

Lastly, we recommend that you give each software provider a rating on the areas listed below. By doing so, you can group your thoughts on each provider based on the factors that matter most. 

✓  Ease of Use
✓  Flexibility
✓  Modern Design
✓  Value for Money
✓  Features
✓  Online & Mobile Capabilities
✓  Sales Staff Interest in MY Business

One to Remember: Did the sales rep ask you about your business goals and requirements? Or were they more interested in showing you a bunch of features that they thought they could sell you on? More often than not, this will give you all the information you need. 

Download the Free Cheat Sheet Today  

Are you ready to kick off your first (or last) gym software demo? Get the full interactive cheat sheet and on your way to successful gym management!

Cheat Sheet

The Customer
Engagement Playbook
for Your Fitness

Customer engagement is the way in which a brand
connects with its customers on a deeper level than a
simple business and consumer relationship.
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  • Cut costs by 50%. Save thousands with glofox, compared to other management platforms.
  • Increase revenue by 133%. Our average customer more than doubles their revenue within eighteen months of implementing our platform.
  • Easy to understand pricing with no surprises.

We empower you to boost your business

"I think Glofox speaks to lots of different fitness businesses. I looked at a few options, but the Glofox positioning was more flexible. Without it the business wouldn't be scaleable”
Mehdi Elaichouni
Owner at Carpe Diem BJJ

Trusted by studios, and global gym chains.

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